Sunday, May 4, 2014

Do you know how to protect yourself from the judicial system?

I have a concern and I do not know if most american's even share my concern. I realize a lot of what my concern revolves around is my very own life experiences. Needless to say a bitter divorce and a revengeful ex will take you places you don't even want to go. The only thing I can truly say is that it was a most difficult time and a very expensive education. I am surprised I survived but times were different then as these times were decades prior to 911. I use 911 as a benchmark because that is when things truly changed for all of America. I recall a time when flying was considered a fun way to get to a business or vacation destination. People would dress nice because they were flying. The flight attendents treated every person as if they were royality. Well, it may be a tad exaggerated. Still flying and travel flying was respected by the majority. The public treated the flight crew well and the flight crew treated the public well. Heck they didn't even charge extra for luggage like they do now and meals were even included. I can understand charging for meals but still luggage should still be included with your seat price. There were no xrays, body scans, pat downs or harrassment in airports. It did not take forever to get aboard. Today you best be at the airport 2 hours before departure, be prepared to be scanned, searched, treated like a criminal, and don't ask questions or talk back to the TSA as you may find yourself grounded and on some kind of list. Just the way it is. I prefer the pre 911 to the post 911, and I believe most American's will agree with me on that point. Now we have NSA wiretapping our every conversation and email. We have the TSA searching and patting us down and depending on how things were before they left home truly depends on how well your getting through the obstacles to make your flight will go as well. Then you have the CIA stirring things up on foreign soils, you now have patriot act I and II, NDAA, homeland security, and a police force that has taken on a military look. I mean one wrong step, be at the wrong place at the wrong time and man ole man you could get caught up in all sorts of mess that you absolutely had nothing to do with. Tell me who can afford an lawyer that will charge you 300 a hour and filing fees to take a case for something you did not commit and you earn mimum wage? How many American's do you think get a fair trial? Sure, they appoint you an attorney but the ones they appoint are nortious all over America of not protecting their clients to the fullest extent of the law. Do recognize the reality of what America has become since 911. I have run across a program that you can apply and protect yourself and your loved ones from those who would like to seperate you from your money, liberty and freedom. I believe every household in America should not only purchase this product but study and learn how to win in court. For laws to have such a impact on our personal lives why would we want to leave our defense to those who have no interest in defending us? If the courts can claim that ignorance of the law is not a defense because we are suppose to know the law, then we might just want to do that, don't you think? Anyhow, how to win in court is a program every american family should have to protect themselves. This is not some nutty program that is going to have you doing shady things. This is a real honest to God course that will teach you how to protect yourself and how to defend your rights. Tells you how the courts work and how to make the judge do what it is that you want him/her to do. All courts are run by set procedures but the public is unaware of those procedures. How can anyone go into a court room be expected to play the game and have no ideal how the game is played and be expected to win? You need to know these things even if you do elect to use an attorney. You can not blindly trust these attorneys, just as you cannot blindly trust a physician. There is only one place blind trust should be placed and it is not on another man. When it comes to my life, I want to know how to protect myself from false allegations from a lying government. I use to think all person had to do was know their constitution, bill of rights and declaration of independence. We have drifted so far from out constitutional government I am concerned if we as a nation will ever find our way back and right the path that we have taken. For I believe we have taken a wrong turn as a nation, feeling that way and knowing that ignorance is no excuse before the law I felt a deep sense of ease and peace when I got my course. How to win in court, well written, easy to learn and apply and should be a tool in every's family arsenal of self preservation and defense. Get your copy now, read the to win in court

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